

delaunay_triangles(geometry, tolerance=0.0, only_edges=False, **kwargs)#

Computes a Delaunay triangulation around the vertices of an input geometry.

The output is a geometrycollection containing polygons (default) or linestrings (see only_edges). Returns an None if an input geometry contains less than 3 vertices.

geometryGeometry or array_like
tolerancefloat or array_like, default 0.0

Snap input vertices together if their distance is less than this value.

only_edgesbool or array_like, default False

If set to True, the triangulation will return a collection of linestrings instead of polygons.


See NumPy ufunc docs for other keyword arguments.


>>> from shapely import GeometryCollection, LineString, MultiPoint, Polygon
>>> points = MultiPoint([(50, 30), (60, 30), (100, 100)])
>>> delaunay_triangles(points)
<GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POLYGON ((100 100, 50 30, 60 30, 100 100)))>
>>> delaunay_triangles(points, only_edges=True)
<MULTILINESTRING ((50 30, 100 100), (50 30, 60 30), ...>
>>> delaunay_triangles(MultiPoint([(50, 30), (51, 30), (60, 30), (100, 100)]), tolerance=2)
<GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POLYGON ((100 100, 50 30, 60 30, 100 100)))>
>>> delaunay_triangles(Polygon([(50, 30), (60, 30), (100, 100), (50, 30)]))
<GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POLYGON ((100 100, 50 30, 60 30, 100 100)))>
>>> delaunay_triangles(LineString([(50, 30), (60, 30), (100, 100)]))
<GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POLYGON ((100 100, 50 30, 60 30, 100 100)))>
>>> delaunay_triangles(GeometryCollection([]))