Constructive operations#


An enumeration.


An enumeration.

boundary(geometry, **kwargs)

Returns the topological boundary of a geometry.

buffer(geometry, distance[, quad_segs, ...])

Computes the buffer of a geometry for positive and negative buffer distance.

offset_curve(geometry, distance[, ...])

Returns a (Multi)LineString at a distance from the object on its right or its left side.

centroid(geometry, **kwargs)

Computes the geometric center (center-of-mass) of a geometry.

clip_by_rect(geometry, xmin, ymin, xmax, ...)

Returns the portion of a geometry within a rectangle.

concave_hull(geometry[, ratio, allow_holes])

Computes a concave geometry that encloses an input geometry.

convex_hull(geometry, **kwargs)

Computes the minimum convex geometry that encloses an input geometry.

delaunay_triangles(geometry[, tolerance, ...])

Computes a Delaunay triangulation around the vertices of an input geometry.

segmentize(geometry, max_segment_length, ...)

Adds vertices to line segments based on maximum segment length.

envelope(geometry, **kwargs)

Computes the minimum bounding box that encloses an input geometry.

extract_unique_points(geometry, **kwargs)

Returns all distinct vertices of an input geometry as a multipoint.

build_area(geometry, **kwargs)

Creates an areal geometry formed by the constituent linework of given geometry.

make_valid(geometry, **kwargs)

Repairs invalid geometries.

normalize(geometry, **kwargs)

Converts Geometry to normal form (or canonical form).

node(geometry, **kwargs)

Returns the fully noded version of the linear input as MultiLineString.

point_on_surface(geometry, **kwargs)

Returns a point that intersects an input geometry.

polygonize(geometries, **kwargs)

Creates polygons formed from the linework of a set of Geometries.

polygonize_full(geometries, **kwargs)

Creates polygons formed from the linework of a set of Geometries and return all extra outputs as well.

remove_repeated_points(geometry[, tolerance])

Returns a copy of a Geometry with repeated points removed.

reverse(geometry, **kwargs)

Returns a copy of a Geometry with the order of coordinates reversed.

simplify(geometry, tolerance[, ...])

Returns a simplified version of an input geometry using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm.

snap(geometry, reference, tolerance, **kwargs)

Snaps an input geometry to reference geometry's vertices.

voronoi_polygons(geometry[, tolerance, ...])

Computes a Voronoi diagram from the vertices of an input geometry.

oriented_envelope(geometry, **kwargs)

Computes the oriented envelope (minimum rotated rectangle) that encloses an input geometry, such that the resulting rectangle has minimum area.

minimum_rotated_rectangle(geometry, **kwargs)

Computes the oriented envelope (minimum rotated rectangle) that encloses an input geometry, such that the resulting rectangle has minimum area.

minimum_bounding_circle(geometry, **kwargs)

Computes the minimum bounding circle that encloses an input geometry.